Sunday, December 30, 2007

About me

My name is Alawi Husain Al-Attas, I am 20 years old. I live in Al-Dhfra area. It is a military area but it has villas for who those working in its air base. I’m studying civil engineering at the Higher Colleges of Technology and hopefully will graduate in about a half year from now (when I pass).I am sponsored by Abu Dhabi municipality, so I’m studying in highway maintenance department.
In my free time, I have a lot of things to do such as playing football, watching movies, traveling abroad, ect…. . I traveled to KSA, Oman, France and Belgium. I was a football player in Bani Yas club when I was 16 years old, but I stopped going to the club a year later because I didn’t have enough time for it and my studying.
Finally, I hope you get enough information about me after reading this paragraph and if you need more information about me contact me by email (

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What is global warming

The global warming became a global problem in the world, so let me first define it. Global warming can be defined as the increasing of Earth’s temperature due to two causes, one cause due to human activity and the other is natural causes. The main causes are because of humans; due to the rapid acceleration of the rate of global warming in the last century. There are a group of scientist believes that global warming is caused by natural reasons also has strong proof for their arguments. In this project, the general reasons for global warming will be discussed in a general way, and one cause will be explained in depth as an example. Also, the general effects of these causes will be discussed in a general way, and one effect in particular will be discussed in a more in depth manner.

Monday, December 24, 2007

the causes

There are a lot of causes for global warming in the world, so let me write these causes in a short paragraph. One of them is the carbon dioxide which comes from power plants, cars, trucks, airplanes and buildings. All of these release carbon dioxide in the air and it is very harmful because it increase the possibility of global warming. That means the more carbon dioxide in the air the more become the possibility of the global warming. Methane is another cause of global warming. It is one of the greenhouse gases. It is also more dangerous than the carbon dioxide in keeping heat in the atmosphere. Another cause is the nitrous oxide. It is also known as laughing gas. Deforestation is another common cause of global warming. This cause to release the carbon dioxide which is very harmful as I mentioned.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

One cause

There are a lot of causes for global warming in the world, so let me write about one of these causes in a short paragraph. Deforestation is one of the main causes of atmospheric carbon dioxide as well as carbon emissions caused by human activities. By the burning and cutting of about 34 million acres of trees each year is responsible for 25% of carbon emissions entering the atmosphere. Annually we are losing millions of acres of rainforests each year, so throwing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. In addition, we are losing temperate forests. The temperate forests of the world account for an absorption rate of 2 billion tons of carbon every year. The earth is losing 10 million acres of the temperate forests per year in Siberia.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

the effects

There are a lot of effects of global warming. It has effects on weather. It increases the evaporation. As more heat trapped in the atmosphere and the weather becomes hot the more the evaporation of seas and oceans. It has also some effects on oceans. The global warming raises the sea level. The heat of the global warming increases the volume of the water in the seas and oceans. It is also increase the temperature of the climate which is also very bad. The global warming also affects the glaciers. As the temperature raise and raise the ice melts all over the world. Finally, it has a great effect on health. It helps to increase the malaria especially in poor countries.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

One effect

The global warming has a big effect on weather. It leads the strong storms to cause bad weather. Also because it affects the weather it cause storms and hurricanes and that some times kill people particularly in poor countries where they have houses made of wood(cheap materials) so they can’t stand the hurricanes. The storms and the hurricanes happened were there are big amounts of carbon dioxide. Also because the greenhouse gases increase and that lead global warming to happen, this leads to make high destructive storms that destroy everything. So this is really bad for the humanity and the greenhouse gases should be reduced.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

UAE and global warming

The UAE is one of the countries which started reducing the CO2 in its atmospheres. It started growing big areas and started greening the desert since tens of years. Nowadays the people started knowing the global warming more than before and they are aware the danger of the global warming. In addition, the United Arab Emirates started trying many ways to reduce the CO2. For example, the UAE started using solar energy in different places like using it to switch on the traffic lights and the UAE started growing the trees. Nowadays, the UAE started to find another source of energy than oil to decrease the CO2 from its atmospheres.