Saturday, December 22, 2007

the effects

There are a lot of effects of global warming. It has effects on weather. It increases the evaporation. As more heat trapped in the atmosphere and the weather becomes hot the more the evaporation of seas and oceans. It has also some effects on oceans. The global warming raises the sea level. The heat of the global warming increases the volume of the water in the seas and oceans. It is also increase the temperature of the climate which is also very bad. The global warming also affects the glaciers. As the temperature raise and raise the ice melts all over the world. Finally, it has a great effect on health. It helps to increase the malaria especially in poor countries.


Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

This blog it is very intresting to read, however, in your opinion what the effect will be from the global warming in the UAE instead of the temperature and increasing sea level?

Alawi Al Attas said...

there are alot of causes will affect in the UAE such as increasing the CO2 etc..
thank you for your comment and I hope send to me a lot of comments in the future.

Husain Al Haddad said...

hi Alawi can you give the most dangerous effect on your obanian?why?

Alawi Al Attas said...

hi husain... realy you are asking me hard questions but I'm ready for answering them.
I think the most dangerous effect is raising the temperature because by increasing it the ice in northen and southen pole will melt, so raising sea level imagine the problem....